Blackwater Winterfest 2025

Winter has arrived! Snow is falling, trees are aglitter and the wooded parks of Blackwater are quiet and hushed. Celebrate the season with us in a series of events to bring warmth and cheer to this beautiful time of year!

Schedule of Events

January 21 at 10:00pm
January 22 at 10:00pm
January 23 at 10:00pm
January 24 at 10:00pm
January 25 at 11:00am
January 25 at 1:00pm
January 25 at 7:00pm
January 26 at 11:00am

“Frozen Yeti” Steeplechase Begins
“Frozen Yeti” Steeplechase Ends
“Frostbite Forest” Barrel Race Begins
“Frostbite Forest” Barrel Race Ends
“Devious Dressage” Exhibition
Winterfest Party & Dancing
Kinky Play Sex Party
Winter Polo Tournament

“Frozen Yeti”

Start: January 21 at 10:00pm
End: January 22 at 10:00pm
Blackwater Stadium

Some ponies claim they have seen the elusive yeti roaming the peaks of the new steeplechase at Blackwater Farm. Farm owners deny this. There is no yeti.

Winterfest kicks off on Tuesday, January 21 at 10:00pm in the Blackwater Stadium! The Frozen Yeti is a new steeplechase requiring the agile pony to climb a chilling tundra in search of pony ribbons. But be careful! Lurking around every corner could be the elusive Yeti, and he does not seem friendly to ponies!

This is a 24-hour race with a run limit of 30. Please be considerate of others and do not enter Blackwater Stadium without first checking that the course is clear.


Congratulations to the ponies who competed in the Frozen Yeti! Only one pony was eaten by the Yeti this time!

1Mule (lovejoyful resident)66.589680450
2Blaze (sushi.pawpad)66.875370448
3ralna payne67.608990443
4emmasquire resident67.841000442
5Steph (stephmars resident)68.103270440
6Belle (bea6love resident)68.159500440
7Diamond (joanmitchel resident)68.385410438
8Snowy (nathalbox resident)68.809970435
9Marta (martashiny resident)70.292540426
10briskol resident72.250950415
11liziherrera resident72.323680/1387
12asuka muircastle72.685030/1385

“Frostbite Forest”
Barrel Race

Start: January 23 at 10:00pm
End: January 24 at 10:00pm
Blackwater Stadium

One resident of Frostbite Forest seems particularly unhappy to see ponies on the new barrel race through her peaceful village.

The residents of Frostbite Forest are mostly friendly and polite as a new barrel race course winds through their delightful little village. But one resident feels otherwise… be sure to look for her! This cute track will test your skills and make you laugh at the same time.

This is a 24-hour race beginning at 10:00pm on January 23 with a run limit of 30. The race will be held in the Blackwater Stadium. Please be considerate of others and do not enter the competition sim without first checking that the course is clear.


1Mule (lovejoyful resident)31.853040941
2ralna payne32.453910924
3Belle (bea6love resident)32.894780911
4emmasquire resident32.985730909
5Snowy (nathalbox resident)32.998070909
6subbietiffany resident33.022950908
7debs bombastic33.042770907
8Diamond (joanmitchel resident)33.128480905
9Maxie (maxie rizzo)33.149130905
10Stephpony (stephmars resident)33.303210900
11kazzka resident33.695150890
12kalliecelestial skydancer34.223470876
13azumi mosuke34.334920873
14daneyalbion resident34.406650871
15briskol resident34.524750868

Devious Dressage
Competition & Exhibition

January 25 at 11:00am
Blackwater Stadium


1Zumi (azumi mosuke)68
2Stephpony (stephmars resident)30
3Khora (butterflyinacage foxpaws)20
4Maxie (maxie rizzo)6

What is Devious Dressage?

Devious Dressage is a competition and exhibition for dressage-loving ponygirls, ponyboys and trainers in Second Life. The event is a flower dressage competition, followed by a silent dressage exhibition, followed by a party!

When and where is the event?

The event is on January 25, 2025 at 11:00 a.m. SLT. The event will be held in the Blackwater Stadium, located here.

Do I need to register for the event?

No. However, if you are planning to use props or need assistance with your exhibition event, please get in touch with us prior to the event.

What’s the difference between a competition and an exhibition?

The flower dressage part of the event is a competition. Ponies will compete in performing flower patterns and will receive place ribbons for their performance.

After the competition is over, we will have an exhibition. An exhibition is a free-for-all show where ponies are free to perform both silent and flower dressage in whatever way they want. No judges, no scoring. Everyone who participates wins and receives a ribbon simply for being part of the exhibition.

What are the rules for the competition?

The rules for the competition can be found here. (Scroll down toward the bottom under “Flower Dressage Competition Format.”) The rules are also here:

  1. The ponies will line up near the field and will take turns competing. Each pony will receive a unique pattern for each round.
  2. Each round of competition will require ponies to complete successively more difficult patterns as follows:

Round 1: 6-character pattern (6 points)
Round 2: 10-character pattern (10 points)
Round 3: 14-character pattern (14 points)
Round 4: 18-character pattern (18 points)
Round 5: 20-character pattern (20 points)

  1. A pony who does not successfully complete the pattern will receive zero points for that round. However, the pony can still stay in the competition and compete in further rounds. Thus, a pony can earn a maximum of 68 points, and a minimum of 0 points, while completing all five rounds.
  2. At the end of the Fifth Round, the competition is over. Ponies with the highest point totals win. Ties are permitted.
  3. Before starting a pattern, the pony will have up to 30 seconds to study the pattern before beginning the pattern. The pony must stomp when ready to proceed, and must begin when the trainer cracks the whip. After 30 seconds, the trainer will crack the whip regardless whether the pony has indicated that he or she is ready.
  4. Running and jumping are not permitted. The use of interpretive HUDs is permitted.
  5. Each pony must wear appropriate pony tack. Appropriate pony tack includes a bridle with a gag, and a harness. (Tails and footwear are not required at Blackwater, but are encouraged.) This is not a beauty pageant and additional points will not be awarded for appearance, style or manners. HOWEVER, points may be deducted from a pony, in the discretion of the judges, for failure to wear appropriate tack or failure to observe protocol.
  6. Protocol means: (a) bowing or curtseying to the host upon entering the dressage field, (b) stomping to indicate that the pony is ready, and (c) bowing or curtseying to the host upon completing the pattern, regardless whether successful. Ponies will not be awarded extra points for good manners, but deductions may be made, in the discretion of the judges, for bad manners.
  7. Ponies must complete the pattern continuously without stopping. A very brief momentary pause is not a stoppage. A stoppage of the pony lasting a second or more will result in a deduction in points, even if the pattern is completed successfully. This is in the discretion of the judges. Similarly, points may be deducted from a pony who completes a pattern successfully but nonetheless deviates substantially from the line, turns in a manner prohibited by the rules, or otherwise disrupts the continuity of the pattern.

Do I need a trainer to participate in the event?

No. If you do not have a trainer, we will provide a trainer for you. We will happily serve as your trainer for both the competition and/or exhibition portions of the event.

What if I have a trainer? Can she or he participate?

Yes, absolutely. When you register, please tell us who your trainer is and your trainer can participate with you in both the competition and/or exhibit portions of the event.

I heard something about a party?

Yes! After the competition and exhibition is over, we are having a party! DJ Winnie will be streaming great music and we will all have fun and hang out. Everyone is welcome to come party with us.

I want to participate but I don’t know the first thing about dressage. Can I still participate?

Yes. If you want to learn more about dressage, we have a great webpage for that. The webpage is here. You can teach yourself dressage using the webpage. Or, better yet, contact Miss Alli (alli.eberdene) or Miss Winnie (winnie.sweetwater) and we would be very happy to schedule a training session with you.

For the exhibition, can I use props, costumes or partners?

Yes! The exhibition is a free-for-all. You are very welcome to use costumes, decorations, props, and even music in your performance. Have fun with it. You can also use multiple ponies and partners in your performance. Anything goes. Just have a good time with it. If you want to rez something, please be sure to get in touch with us before the exhibition to be sure you have rez rights.

Winterfest Party
Music & Dancing

January 25 at 1:00pm
Blackwater Conservatory

The new Blackwater Conservatory will host the Winterfest Party on January 25 at 1:00 pm (or as soon as dressage is finished).

Winterfest continues with a festive dance party! DJ Winnie will be streaming your favorite music at this come-as-you-are party in celebration of the season. The party will begin immediately after Devious Dressage has concluded (which we predict will be 1:00pm). The party will be held in the Blackwater Conservatory located here.

Blackwater Bondage
Kinky Sex Play Party

January 25 at 7:00pm
Blackwater Hall

What is Blackwater Bondage?

Blackwater Bondage is a kinky play party for consenting adults. At the event, you can expect lots of toys, devices and bondage equipment for your entertainment.

What is is a kinky sex play party?

It’s whatever you want it to be. If you are a bottom looking for a top, this is a good chance to find a top to play with you. If you are a top looking for a bottom, same thing. If you want to simply watch, you are invited to watch. If you want to learn more about BDSM, this is a good chance to do that as well. Everyone who attends the event is invited to attend and participate at their own level of comfort.

When and where is the event?

The party is at Blackwater Farm on January 25, 2025 between 7:00pm and 9:00pm. However, the toys and equipment will remain up and running for your entertainment for a full week after that date. Feel free to use them during that time as you see fit. The event will be held in Blackwater Hall, located here.

Do I need to register for the event?

No. Come as you are. Everyone is welcome to attend.

I’m kinda shy. How does this thing work?

At the entry of the event, you will see 3 signs: Dominant, Submissive and Voyeur. When you click these signs, you will get an object that hovers over your head. The object indicates whether you are a dominant, submissive or voyeur. If you are a submissive, it will also indicate green (you are looking for someone to play with you) or red (you are not looking for a playmate). If you are a voyeur, this means that you are simply attending to watch others engage in activity (which is totally fine). The purpose of these little hovering objects is to indicate to everyone else your level of interest and engagement. You can change your hovering indicator by re-visiting the entry point at any time.

What are the rules for the event?

Blackwater observes SSC (Safe, Sane, Consensual) and RACK (Risk-Aware Consensual Kink) protocols. If you don’t know what these are, please look them up; we believe they are common sense. If you are a dominant, please be sure you obtain consent from your playmate. If you are a submissive, please know your own limits and be rational and self-aware of the activities in which you will (and will not) engage. If you have any questions about these rules, please reach out to any Blackwater Mistress, some of whom will be serving as monitors during the event.

What will happen at the event?

Three things happen simultaneously. First, all of the toys and equipment are open for use by anyone who wants to use and play with them. Second, Mistress Winnie will provide a tour and description of the equipment for those are interested in learning how they work. Third, Mistress Alli will perform a live torture and sex demonstration with one of Blackwater’s slaves for entertainment purposes. At any point, guests and visitors are invited to participate and engage, or simply watch and enjoy.

I’m a submissive looking for a top to play with me.

Yay! You’re welcome to attend. We would love to play with you. You can bring your own dominant playmate with you, or you can attend on your own and we will happily abuse you!

I’m a top looking for a submissive to play with.

Yay! You’re welcome to attend. You can bring your own playmate submissive, or you can peruse for submissive playmates who are available.

I can’t attend the event but I still want to play. What do I do?

The equipment and toys will be available for a full week after the event is over. If you are looking for someone to play with during that time (or really, any time), please get in touch with Miss Winnie (winnifred.sweeetwater) or Miss Alli (alli.eberdene) and we would be happy to talk further.

Winter Polo Tournament
Second Annual Invitational

January 26 at 11:00am
Blackwater Stadium

Winterfest concludes with a polo tournament! The second annual Winter Polo Tournament will be held at Blackwater Stadium on Sunday, January 26 at 11:00am. This is an invitational tournament. Players and teams will receive invitations to the tournament during the week of December 23. If you would like to play in the tournament, but did not receive an invitation, please contact Alli Eberdene.

This is a randomly-seeded, double-elimination bracket on a SLOPED polo field. Blackwater’s tournament rules can be found here. The tournament will be held in Blackwater Stadium, located here.

Pre-registration is required prior to the tournament. The deadline for registration is Sunday, January 19 at 11:00 a.m. SLT.


Wild LeftoversRalna Payne
Newpenny Resident
Demon PoniesAriadneDiamond Resident
Helfleuer Resident
Wild ValkyriesPumkin (Nele Boa)
Desania Resident
Mel 71201 Resident
BlackwaterBlaze (Sushi Pawpad)
Nailla Nightingale
Snowrose (Meikurou Resident)
GladiatorsMidnight (Zofemarcel Nexen)
Mule (Lovejoyful Resident)
Wild SpaciesMartashiny Resident
Liziherrera Resident
Farmland FreightMaxie (Maxie Rizzo)
Sonny (Sonny Redrose)
Rocket (Opheliainme Resident)
Sylvia (SylviaGirls Resident)