Blackwater Winterfest

Schedule of Events

January 16, Tuesday
January 17, Wednesday
January 19, Friday

January 20, Saturday

January 21, Sunday

8pm: Cart Race Begins
8pm: Cart Race Ends
11am – 1pm: Slalom Race (Heat 1)
5pm-7pm: Slalom Race (Heat 2)
10am: Silent Dressage Competition
12pm: Flower Dressage Competition
2pm: Winterfest Party
11am: Polo Tournament

“Frosty’s Revenge”
Cart Race
Start: Tuesday, January 16, 8pm
End: Wednesday, January 17, 8pm
Blackwater Competition Stadium

Winterfest kicks off with a 24-hour cart race that begins on Tuesday at 8pm and ends on Wednesday at 8pm. Runs are limited to 20. This is a windy 3-lap course that twists through a snow-covered pine forest. The course will be open for practice at the Blackwater Competition Stadium commencing January 1. Ribbons will be awarded to all participants, with special place ribbons for the top ten.

Frosty’s Revenge is three laps of twisty, windy road through a snow-covered pine forest. The road seems clear, but be careful; lurking in the trees are snowmen who do not seem happy to see you…


1sushi pawpad85.136870046
2mashameow littlepaws85.691030046
3yelly1111 resident85.695030046
4mel71201 resident85.967270046
5ralna payne86.075640046
6ahrithehottie resident86.271160046
7bea6love resident86.480740046
8newpenny resident86.583850046
9leatherbabe4 resident86.753560046
10martashiny resident87.262990046
11romina randt87.755330046
11butterflyinacage foxpaws88.151760046
12nathalbox resident88.171040046
13ariadnediamond resident88.185180046
14surssin resident88.934070046
15lovejoyful resident89.558700046
16emmarayray resident89.920620046
17myrinaa resident90.835820046
18atzacalco resident91.150940046
19kunnminze resident93.467300046
20winnie sweetwater95.302750046
21eirwenvixen resident95.992150046
22arasus vollmar31.790010/M046

“Glacier Lake”
Slalom Race
Heat 1: Friday, January 19, 11am-1pm
Heat 2: Friday, January 19, 5pm-7pm
Blackwater Competition Stadium

Glacier Lake is an icy, slippery slalom course across a frozen lake… But be careful, the ice is broken in spots and don’t touch the water! This is a live race in two heats. The first heat is on Friday, January 19 from 11am-1pm. The second heat is on Friday, January 19 from 5pm-7pm. Each pony can run in one of the heats, but not both. Ribbons will be awarded for each heat, and for the overall results. The course will be open for practice at the Blackwater Competition Stadium commencing January 1.

Glacier Lake at Blackwater Farm. One wonders what creatures lurk in its depths, and whether they will awaken in the spring…


1lovejoyful resident50.96548002000
2mel71201 resident51.25754002000
3yelly1111 resident51.28578002000
4sushi pawpad51.46411002000
5leatherbabe4 resident51.69774002000
6mashameow littlepaws51.74126002000
7ariadnediamond resident51.81117002000
8ralna payne51.81230002000
9newpenny resident52.19998002000
10susi24berger resident52.32150002000
11romina randt52.35966002000
12lindagor resident52.39488002000
13myrinaa resident52.47225002000
14emmarayray resident52.6099102000
15ahrithehottie resident52.61113002000
16winnie sweetwater52.62588002000
17nana247 resident52.83417002000
18martashiny resident52.84698002000
19butterflyinacage foxpaws52.90762002000
20hoshi kiko54.00980002000
21eddietodd resident54.19878002000
22branville resident54.33818002000


1mel71201 resident51.25754002000
2yelly1111 resident51.28578002000
3mashameow littlepaws51.74126002000
4ralna payne51.81230002000
5newpenny resident52.19998002000
6susi24berger resident52.32150002000
7romina randt52.35966002000
8lindagor resident52.39488002000
9ahrithehottie resident52.61113002000
10nana247 resident52.83417002000
11martashiny resident52.84698002000
12hoshi kiko54.00980002000
13branville resident54.33818002000


1lovejoyful resident50.96548002000
2sushi pawpad51.46411002000
3leatherbabe4 resident51.69774002000
4ariadnediamond resident51.81117002000
5myrinaa resident52.47225002000
6emmarayray resident52.6099102000
7winnie sweetwater52.62588002000
8butterflyinacage foxpaws52.90762002000
9eddietodd resident54.19878002000

Silent Dressage Competition
Saturday, January 20, 10am
Blackwater Old Stadium

The silent dressage competition will be hosted in the Old Blackwater Stadium on Saturday, January 20 at 10am. The event is expected to run roughly 1-2 two hours. This is a judged event. The competition will be in the traverse style.

The rules for silent dressage in the traverse style, as they are used at Blackwater Farm, are located here. Please be familiar with those rules. We understand that the rules may be different at other farms. The competition will be judged according to the Blackwater Farm rules.

The specific judging protocol used by Blackwater Farm can be found here.

The pre-registration form can be found here.

Pre-registration is not required; ponies who simply “show up” at the competition are welcome to participate. However, pre-registration is encouraged to help make the event run as smoothly as possible.

Ponies without trainers are welcome to compete. If you do not have a trainer, but wish to compete as a pony, Blackwater Farm will supply a trainer for you who is familiar with the traverse style of dressage and the competition rules.

If you wish to learn silent dressage (or brush up on your skills), you can find a helpful guide here.

If you need a place to practice silent dressage, you can practice at the Blackwater Dressage Fields. The field used for silent dressage at that location is the same field that will be used in the competition.

Ribbons will be awarded to all participants, with special place ribbons awarded to the top ten finishers.


1Petal (z3phine.nightingale)AlliPOA Stables66
2Agnieszka KiyoriAlliTall Tails64
3Blaze (sushi.pawpad)AlliBlackwater60
4Scarlette (butterflyinacage.foxpaws)MaxieBlackwater54
5Fire (myrinaa.resident)ColeBlackwater52
6Lily (lealene.resident)WinnieBlackwater50

Flower Dressage Competition
Saturday, January 20, 12pm
Blackwater Old Stadium

The flower dressage competition will be hosted in the Old Blackwater Stadium on Saturday, January 20 at 12pm. The event is expected to run roughly 1-2 hours. This is a competition in the traditional flower style.

The rules for flower dressage, and the competition format used at Blackwater Farm, can be found here.

The competition will use the scripted Flower Dressage Training Field sold by Aida Beorn.

You are welcome to train for flower dressage, using the exact field that will be used in the competition, at the Blackwater Dressage Fields.

If you wish to learn flower dressage (or brush up on your skills), you can find a helpful guide here.

Ribbons will be awarded to all participants,, with special place ribbons awarded to the top ten finishers.


1Scarlette (butterflyinacage.foxpaws)Blackwater2
2Fire (myrinaa.resident)Blackwaterr0
3Blaze (sushi.pawpad)Blackwater0

Blackwater Winterfest Party
Saturday, January 20, 2pm
Blackwater Event Pavilion

DJ Winnie will be streaming tunes at the Blackwater Winterfest Party on Saturday, January 20 at 2pm. Everyone is invited to this come-as-you-are party in celebration of winter. The party will be located at the Blackwater Event Pavilion.

Winterfest Polo Tournament
Sunday, January 21, 11am
Blackwater Competition Stadium

The Winterfest Polo Tournament starts at 11am on Sunday, January 21 in the Blackwater Competition Stadium.

This is a double-elimination bracket seeded randomly on a sloped field. Blackwater’s polo competition rules can be found here.

The tournament bracket is here: BRACKET

To participate in the tournament, all teams must pre-register. (This is necessary to create the bracket for the competition.) The registration deadline is 11:59pm on Friday, January 19. You can find the registration form here. Trophies will be awarded to the top three teams, and ribbons will be awarded to all participants.


Team NameCaptainPlayers
VikingsNoldNana (nana247.resident)
Blondie (blondiechen.resident)
Christel (christel.shim)
Wild Chicks
aka WPG2
n/aClaire (clairedeladeuxieme.resident)
Desania (desania.resident)
Farmland FreightMaxie RizzoMaxie (maxie.rizzo)
Sonny (sonny.redrose)
Blackwater IceWinnie SweetwaterWinnie (winnie.sweetwater)
Rocket (opheliainmme.resident)
Gleam RidersSkye NebulaSkye Nebula (skye.nebula)
Midnight (zoemarcel.nexen)
Royal LegionAlli EberdeneAria (ariadnediamond.resident)
Blaze (sushi.pawpad)
Muttley CrewSylvieSylvie (sylviecs.resident
Becky (rebecca.blackwood)
LeafsDanielleDanielle (danielleparker1.resident)
Lily (macar1.blep)
Blackwater NewbsScarletteScarlette (butterflyinacage.foxpaws)
Fire (myrinaa.resident)
Hyper CyclonsMurlineMurline (murwolf.resident)
Belle Voltaire (burners.resident)
Pumpkin (nele.boa)
Joline (joline.komarov)
Wild KillerBarbiePoniesRalnaMarta (martashiny.resident)
Mel (mel7201.resident)
Ralna (ralna.payna)
PCN Star 1SnowySnowy (nathalbox.resident)
Natalie (???.???)
PCN Star 2PetsaskiaPetsaskia (petsaskia.resident)
Penny (newpenny.resident)


RankTeam Name
1Muttley Crew
2Farmland Freight
3Wild KillerBarbiePonies
4Royal Legion
5Blackwater Ice
7Blackwater Newbs
9Gleam Riders
9Hyper Cyclons
9PCN Star 1
9PCN Star 2
13Wild Chicks (WPG2)

For a larger view of the bracket, go here.