I just got back from a rare night out seeing old friends. Some I’ve known for a long time. We have watched each other evolve and grow over the years. I’m lucky to know them and fortunate they are my friends. I’m not the world’s greatest at staying in touch. In fact once the context shifts, I am pretty bad at staying in touch in SL or RL. Friends that get that are special and really amazing.
So I’m sitting here on the Sim, my Sim as a part owner and I feel like I’m home. Which is crazy considering its all a pile of pixels but it feels like home. Watching the virtual sunset over virtual water from a virtual beach feels real. Maybe there is something to all the VR stuff after all. I guess the past almost 15 years in SL proves that point. Maybe they should do a study on the long term effects of Second Life. I’m sure many lives have been changed for their experience in SL.
So back to my moment of feeling at home the photo above says it all. Will it last? Probably not everything changes. Nothing really dies according to Thích Nhất Hạnh those we love and connected to are with us always in life and death. Their impressions on us last forever. I’m fortunate to have such an amazing group of impression makers around me in my friends and my SL family. Probably the best reason to have a sim and to call it home.